We are always looking for open-minded & kinky models (Age: 18+) – no matter how experienced you are. You can apply either alone (if you want to perform alone) or with a partner of your choice – couples are very welcome!

We are working together with our models at eye-level. This means: you are very welcome to offer your own ideas as well! Please consider the following 3 things before writing us:

MEOW MEOW is a feminist project.

We try to avoid classical porno tropes. Your breast/penis size is irrelevant to us and we don’t give a fuck about classical beauty standards. Instead, we are looking for friendly & reliable people who are open to discover something new. We love you the way you are!

The films will be shown on film festivals and online.

Porn is like a tattoo: Once done, you won’t get rid of it. Your friends, your co-workers and your family might see you naked. Yes, even your dog will find the clips and recognise you. Please make yourself clear that doing porn can have negative consequences for your social life and your professional career – well, despite your plan is to become a professional porn star, but don’t count on it!

It’s a non-commercial thing.

We’re doing the movies for our pleasure and for the sake of art. We don’t want to earn any money with our short films. So you won’t get rich here.

Still interested? Just send a short mail (in German or English), preferably with a picture.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!


PS: We are currently looking for gifted editors!